Joanne Kyger
4 Luglio 2001
Testo che scrissi per il libro POETI IMMAGINATI La Lontra 2008
“Quando viene non la si può contenere;
Quando va, non la si può fermare.”
(Lu Chi , 261-303 a.C. “Frammento riferito al corso dell’ispirazione poetica.”)
Joanne Kyger spalanca i grandi occhi sul mondo perché suo è il canto dell’osservazione.
Nel resoconto del quotidiano vive il “ Fare”, più arduo del “Conoscere”.
Con il gesto proprio delle mani sostiene il libro.
Lei sa che le parole contenute volano alte quando vengono pronunciate, vanno ad incontrare il vento, che le porgerà ad altri occhi, orecchie e cuori.
L’arte racchiude la risonanza dello spirito creatore.
Ricordo il pensiero (fotografico) che feci guardando le mani di Joanne che reggeva il libro che conteneva i versi che stava leggendo .
In un libro c’è (o ci dovrebbe essere) una grossa porzione di ciò che siamo stati in grado di “sentire” e desideriamo in forma d’epifania offrire al nostro pubblico.
Ecco che quel gesto assume un’importanza “altra” rispetto all’esercizio di stile che un fotografo può prefiggersi giocando con tagli luci e diagonali. Ecco perchè tanta fotografia di scena che oggi vedo in giro non mi smuove nulla nella sua apparente perfezione dei dettagli, attraverso binarie calibrature di contrasti e toni. Quelle immagini all’apparenza perfette equivalgono ai funambolici esercizi di stile dei nuovi cantanti licenziati dai talent che hanno intonazione perfetta, gestione del vibrato e della gestualità.
Ciò che veramente mi interessa è al di sotto di tutto ciò che vive. Siamo corpi fatti di sangue e visceri perchè volete rinchiuderci a forza nell’eleganza posticcia di una curva di contrasto ?
Teaser del mio libro Poeti Immaginati 2008
Ten Lovely Poems by Joanne Kyger
Monday Before The Recall
Sun on the hand so deeply spotted Yours for the duration, though Little allergy in the inhalation of the moment Liturgy of gold crown or is it radio electronico electric hedge trimmers actually the acacia being clipped In some kind of mantra of Glass which surrounds and penetrates the air Be deeply reverent as you move towards shore It's getting pretty loud out here What happened between June and September this year was way too local to loaf just watched the deer change its spots and get older, awww cute! Ate all the California poppies too and if you want to go Go Just Go
September Panics
You got MY vote just let me know who you are Is that a dog howling? You are very alone like everyone else You have just finished reading September's Vanity Fair And the bright moonlight is empty 'I don't want to hear your CRAP anymore!' Your angst and your country's pain are often the same So pick up that Manual of Buddhism you threw on the floor Consider being like water running reaching the other shore and your mind won't be so bumming by some suck up oppressor
The Psycho Pathic Personality
"I am the commander I do not need to explain why I do things. That's the interesting thing about being President. Maybe someone needs to explain to ME why they say something, but I don't feel I OWE ANYONE AN EXPLANATION." USA TODAY 11/25/02 DIRECT QUOTE
Hit absolute rock bottom Are you there rock? No? No rock on bottom
Buddhism Without A Book
Well, you had to find it some where another person passed simplicity on to you, the practice of some syllables the position of a seated body and you believe a lineage of recognition of 'mind' not perfect, but intimate with suffering and the futility of maintaining those troublesome states of fear and hate "Try this Lift the corners of your mouth slightly and take three breaths this is known as mouth yoga"* (*Yvonne Rand) It has nothing to do with smiling It has nothing to do with happiness
Sleeping With The BBC
At least they have a nice accent when they talk about the bombs and a slight twist of voice when they use the word 'Bush' When we go away how much do we need to take with us To take our beautiful country to get the words right Okay that's it You've written it down White light coming through the water lily petals The yellow green glint at the center
It's terrible what's happening in this war atmosphere when 'your' government lies to you and neglects the people It's bad for your mind when the politics of connection show ignorance and preference for the stupid junta that has slyly preempted the beehive Time to dive for the Madhyamika school the middle way ourselves through the course of the oppression to come phew! I'd prefer not to have to bother in this landscape of spring to judge whether these apple blossom branches are natural or not I just want to be ordinary and finish my toast While Arthur Okamura is on the prowl with his notebook and pen sketching the dust in the wind
The Distressed Look
From our 'leaders' -- please be as frightened as you can in apartment buildings, bridges & airports-- But really you're on your own, you rattled and oppressed citizens of the 'free' world -- berserk jackals of the moment are after you! Look carefully at those you know -- corporate crooks! have fucked with your energy! 'Freedom' is dubiously hyped to a world against which 'our country' seems to be waging a war! Yes, a war against The World! which is full of creepy crawly evil turrrists. 'You' my government, have made us Totally Unpopular
have individual feelings similar to those of humans A zillion little butterfly thoughts simultaneously flap. You are the sum of all you 'know' and the more you forget the more ordinary you are really nothing special so why all the anxious push-push just hang the clothes on the line Put the black ones in the washer Feel the myriad little bits of sensation that make up emotion As the Sun rises high in the sky so does the arrogance I'm still waiting for the 'Buddhist' poem to arrive Darn it takes so long for the Dharma Up in arms on the moral high road wanting to sum it up and END it
Look! new moon
And you have been born into the world for the first time a mere puppy! don't be startled 'life' is made up of feelings awareness of being at one with the flea that you are Look! I'm disarmed except for my rotten thoughts -- The familiar old joke of the self turned on, to the moment "Suddenly, while at the depths (Zen Master it struck me like a thunderbolt Bankei that I HAD NEVER BEEN BORN 1922-1693) and that my birthlessness could settle every matter" The birthless buddha mind waits for life after capitalism waits for a government that survives a president we can't afford anymore along with his weird god and his good sleep -- -- "I'm a patient man and your five seconds are up POW!" And your locker room jock retires to his 'Turd Blossom' Karl Rove to get his brain tweaked for the next round Leaves one with Ridicule as the least expensive weapon around towards a 'commander' in chief' who insists he Must protect us O protect us from this protection of war and coalition's aid unwilling and overpaid
Realizzata con: Contax RTS III
Pellicola: Kodak T Max 3200
Anno: 2001
Luogo: Genova
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